Some suggestions that might prevent this from happening:
1) Develop accountability with your check.
Find someone else to tell when you get it and tell what you plan to do with it. Ask them to go with you when you take it to the bank and have them sit with you while you write out the checks to those you owe money or for your bills.
2) Most businesses will take your payment in advance.
If you decide you want to put the money toward your rent or mortgage or toward another debt, don't wait. Pay it now. They don't mind taking your payment early.
3) Have someone else hold the check for you, or deposit it into their account.
If you don't have access to the money it is not likely to be gambled. Make sure you trust the perosn who will hold your money, make sure that the person is also not going to make you beg for the money when you need it.
If you need additional help to prevent money you don't want to gamble from being gambled please give Peace and Power Counseling a call, we can help.