“Basic Information About Gambling Addiction.”
April 7, 11:30 to 12:30 at Peace and Power Counseling 6901 Dodge St., Suite 101.
Program Content: Participants will learn about compulsive gambling/pathological gambling. They will learn about resources in the community for low to no cost gambling evaluations and treatment.
1. Participants will learn the difference between problem gambling and pathological gambling.
2. Participants will learn the two different types of pathological gamblers.
3. Participants will learn the similarities and differences between pathological gambling and drug dependence.
4. Participants will learn about the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) and the Lie/Bet Screening.
5. Participants will learn how to score these screening tools.
6. Participants will learn a harm reduction/way to address clients in the precontemplation stage of the change process.
7. Participants will learn where to refer clients for low to no cost gambling treatment services in Omaha.
Please contact Gina Fricke for more information and/or to register at 402-515-7412