This article does a really good job explaining how frequent wins put individuals at a much greater risk for problem gambling behavior. An interesting research project with an even more interesting result!
This article does a really good job explaining how frequent wins put individuals at a much greater risk for problem gambling behavior. An interesting research project with an even more interesting result! Why might it be important to learn more about gambling addiction?
Are you the loved one of a gambler, a professional working with a gambler or family member affected by someone else’s gambling? It might be helpful for you to learn more about gambling as a problem. If you learn more then you will be more confident in approaching the gambler or talking with your clients about their gambling behavior or how to protect themselves from the gambling behavior of others.
Why is learning more about gambling addiction important to me? Between 1-3% of adults have an addiction to gambling what professionals call “pathological gambling” or what Gamblers Anonymous calls “compulsive gambling.” More adolescents are developing a problem with gambling than adults. In Nebraska between 2-4% of adolescents have an addiction to gambling. Those with a gambling problem are more likely to commit suicide than the general population. A study was done in Oklahoma that stated 48% of those in their Gamblers Anonymous program had considered suicide and 13% had made serious attempts at killing themselves. How can I learn more about gambling addiction? Peace and Power Counseling is happy to speak with you individually or in a group setting about gambling addiction and its impact on you and/or those around you. We do these speaking engagements for no charge. For those working with gamblers and/or family members of gamblers in a professional setting as case managers, therapists or other helping professionals, students planning to work in the helping professions, Peace and Power Counseling is offering Free CEU presentations focused on learning more about helping family members of gamblers and older adult gamblers. **Please check out the information previously on this blog about the Collateral Damage and Lost presentations! The Nebraska Gamblers Assistance program has approved the two CEU trainings on November 9 from 9AM to 10AM and 10AM to 11AM for CCGC CEU's. Please RSVP to Gina Fricke at 402-515-7412. This training is not just for professionals, anyone can benefit from learning about the impact of gambling addiction on family members and older adults!
The ‘Collateral Damage’ CEU approval number is G09.70. It has been classified under the unit type as Problem Gambling Specific. The ‘Lost: Gamblings impact on older adults’ CEU approval number is G09.71. It has been classified under the unit types as both Problem Gambling Specific and Cultural Competency. Lost:
Gambling’s impact on older adults. Do you work with or care about an older adult who is struggling with gambling? · Learn some facts about older adults and their gambling. · Learn how to screen for gambling problems. · Learn some interventions that help older adults with their gambling problems. · Learn some financial interventions that help older adults with their gambling problems. · Learn where to refer if necessary. Tuesday November 9 at 10:00AM to 11:00AM At Peace and Power Counseling 6901 Dodge Street, Suite 101, Omaha RSVP: Gina Fricke, LCSW, CCGC, NCGC II At 402-515-7412 or 1 CEU will be offered for LCSW and LMHP Collateral Damage:
Gambling’s impact on family members of those with a gambling problem. Do you have clients on your caseload whose main problem seems to be their relationship with a gambler? · Learn some interventions that work to help the family member realize that he/she is contributing to the problem · Learn some interventions for family members that help the gambler realize the seriousness of the gamblers behavior, and that decrease the likelihood of blaming behaviors. · Learn where to refer If necessary. Tuesday November 9 at 9:00AM to 10:00AM At Peace and Power Counseling 6901 Dodge Street, Suite 101, Omaha RSVP: Gina Fricke, LCSW, CCGC, NCGC II At 402-515-7412 or [email protected] 1 CEU will be offered for LCSW and LMHP Peace and Power Counseling is offering an 800 (toll free) number so that those in crisis because of their own or someone elses gambling can reach a thrapist 24 hours a day. Please call 1-888-206-4731 to reach a therapist 24 hours a day!
Sunday, October 10, 2010, is World Mental Health Day! World Mental Health Day receives organizational support from the World Federation for Mental Health and occurs on the last day of Mental Illness Awareness Week.
Check out the Wold Federation for Mental Health website! Peace and Power Counseling wants to thank the Friendship Program for allowing us to do a presentation about gambling addiction to about 50 of their clients. We love the opportunity to share information about gambling addiction and teach ways of preventing gambling problems to community members.
I want to say thank you to the GO HCHY youth substance abuse prevention coalition for letting us have a table at their event yesterday! We had the opportunity to meet a lot of educators and students who learned a lot about the 40 Assets that GO HCHY teaches. We were there providing information to the students and educators about youth gambling and some ways to prevent youth gambling problems and resources for those who are already experiencing a problem with their gambling or someone elses gambling.
OwnerGina Fricke is the owner/therapist at Peace and Power Counseling LLC. Archives
May 2018